A ferocious protector, loving nurturer, and selfless hard worker, moms are the heart of every home. We are born from their love and grow to be who we are today because of their empowering magic. As we honor all the moms and mother figures around us — single parent, sibling, friend, relative, teacher, or father — may we show the love they deserve everyday, in our own little ways.
To remind moms that they are our everyday heroes, we rounded up Instant Pot’s cooking functions with the different ways moms bring out the best in us. Read on to celebrate the love of the remarkable moms and mother figures in your lives!
She Keeps You Warm, Safe, and Ready Like a Warmer
Food warmers keep food at the appropriate temperature, which allows easy preparation of meals ahead of time or ready for serving at a later time. These warmers make food taste better, prevent allergies, and keep it safe until the time you are eating the food.
In the same way, the moms in our lives protect us with the strength and warmth of their love – they also prepare us to face the realities of life and to overcome different challenges on our own.